In March of 2021, during some rare downtime on a weekend between errands, chores and housework, I was using GNS3 to study some Ansible network programmability concepts on Udemy. While following David Bombal’s Ansible for Network Engineers course, I ran into some issues with the “network automation” VM that is provided in GNS3.

This lead into a rabbit hole of discovery - Docker images, containers, docker-compose and, eventually, lead me to my current journey of self-hosting dozens of microservices from my home. Some of these services are for convenience, while others will help me build directly-transferrable job skills (such as using Terraform, Graffana and Kubernetes).

I hope to capture and document my experiences on this website, to serve as a chronicle of my journey, a living portfolio/resume and hopefully to help some future Internet denizen in their next feverish Google search to an obscure question/error/setup…trust me, we’ve all been there ;)